
Looking for An Invisalign Premier Provider In Surprise, AZ?

Do you want to straighten your teeth without spending years with traditional metal braces on? Well at Bailey Orthodontics in Surprise, Arizona it is possible with the Invisalign system. Invisalign uses clear plastic trays rather than traditional metal brackets and wires to reposition your teeth.


In comparison to standard orthodontic treatment, Invisalign offers patients a great deal of convenience, as the trays can be removed at mealtime so that you don’t have to forego your favorite foods while straightening your smile! Furthermore, it’s easier for patients to keep their smiles clean and healthy with Invisalign because there are no appliances blocking access to your gumline. Patients can brush and floss normally with Invisalign rather than using extra tools to navigate around archwires.

Additionally, Invisalign is easier on your smile’s appearance during treatment. You can smile with confidence, and it’s unlikely that a casual observer will even notice that you’re wearing the trays. You also can begin to see some progress in just a few months since you don’t have to wait for any appliances to be removed.

As an Invisalign Premier Provider, our practice is well-positioned to help you achieve your smile goals with this treatment option. Stay connected with us to learn about a special Invisalign promotion coming this February. Call 623.977.0707 for more information.