Dr. Spencer Bailey

dr. spencer Bailey

Alyssa's Role


The Bailey Family has a collective count of 9 decades in the business. The Boss himself is cleaning up streets by the thousands using his strategic intellect, architect-like handiwork, and well-fed gut feelings with only 2 materials: metal and plastic. He requires a strict code of conduct where every tooth aligns like a loyal member of the family.

The Boss

Weapon: He writes the checks. If he dies, we all die.

Skill: A master manipulator, not of deception or schemes, but as one so skilled, he'll manipulate you by the roots of your teeth.

Dr. Bailey's bio Portrait
Dr. Lauren Gullett

dr. Lauren Gullett

The Successor
Alyssa's Role


Tall, talented, and tough, she brings gold-medal expertise to this family. She straightens teeth like she conquered the podium, with precision and grace. Poised to lead this orthodontic empire to new heights, she’s being trained by the best, and has commitment, motivation, and a hunger for success.

Associate Orthodontist

Weapon: With towering aerial drone views of her surroundings, she’ll see ya comin’...or goin’....

Skill: A blacksmith of sorts, she’s replaced her work of hanging medals around her neck to hanging metal on teeth.

Dr. Lauren's bio Portrait


Alyssa's Role
Financial Coordinator


Ensures every dollar aligns perfectly with the ledger, collects and pays debts, and secures the books. Will take a case of financial chaos and create a carefully executed accounting masterpiece.


Mind sharper than a stockbrokers instincts. Eyes of a hawk with her attention to detail.


Maneuvers through numbers and budgets with the finesse of a high-stakes poker player. Not only does she know the rules, she writes them.

Alyssa's bio Portrait


Kristen's Role
Treatment Coordinator

Role: Orchestrates and sculpts precise plans for individuals seeking our services, with direct authority from 'the Boss.' an advocate for fair and transparent deals; will make you an offer you can't refuse.

Kristen's skill
Kristen's bio image

Weapon: A voice as smooth as floss

Skill:  No need for a Tommy Gun, Trained in martial arts, she can negotiate with her biceps. Cannot be bribed with food.

Kristen's Bio image


Keylie's Role
Clinical Assistant

Role: Assists and executes tasks for and behalf of the Boss. Ensures every move aligns with the boss's vision. Helps guests feel welcome and comfortable before putting sharp instruments in their mouth.

Keylie's skill
Keylie's weapon

Weapon: Unwavering allegiance and loyalty.

Skill:  Known on the streets as the Lab Artisan, she's a mastermind at sculpting persuasive devices (a.k.a retainers and other dental appliances.

Keylie's Bio image


Paula's Role
Scheduling Assistant

Role: The gatekeeper of time; no one cross the threshold to Boss's sanctum unless their presence is approved by her command. It isn't just about timing; it's about permission, where only the chosen gain an audience with the Boss.

Paula's skill
Paula's weapon

Weapon: Punctual perfection, flawless penmanship, and perfect empanadas.

Skill:  Creating and moving appointments like pawns on her chessboard, every move is made with strategic precision in calculating perfectly-timed smiles.

Paula's Bio image


Amber's Role
Clinical Assistant

Role: Cutthroat operative, the right-had enforcer, she has no time for errors. She ensures the Boss's shelves are stocked and drawers are full with supplies in abundance. Ensures every guest has a seat at the table and fees them with a dose of no nonsense.

Amber's skill
Amber's weapon

Weapon: In a Relationship with Michael Myers

Skill:  Quick wit and as sharp as the wires she cuts.

Amber's Bio image


Clinical Assistant and Sterilization
Adella's Role

Role: Glamorous yet scandalous, she's as sweet as the sugar she eats. She spends her day erasing DNA of who's coming and going in the Boss's house. Leave no trace isn't just for boy scouts it describes her work and her bank account. that perfect hair doesn't pay for itself.

Adella's skill
Adella's weapon

Weapon: Can hide in small spaces.

Skill:  Knows where all the instruments (weapons) are stored.

Adella's Bio image


Adella's Role

Role: Straightening smiles and serving sass y' all! She spreads joy and charm like confetti and struts through the house with confidence and grace, being a seasoned and experienced assistant. No matter how cranky the boss could be, she'll be spreading sunshine and blessin' yer heart.

Clinical Assistant
Adella's skill
Adella's weapon

Weapon: Double fisting Dutch Bros is her brass knuckles.

Skill:  A mama bear with a southern drawl.

Jen's Bio image


Adella's Role

Role: Faithful and devout to the job at hand.

Clinical Assistant
Adella's skill
Adella's weapon

Weapon: She's tight with the Boss of all Bosses. No, not 'the Boss', but thee Boss. You can find her in His house when she's not in this house.

Skill:  Knows any song of any genre. More mature than our oldest employee.

Skylah's Bio image


Scheduling Coordinator
Adella's Role

Role: Our newest member of the family, she’s learning there are three ways of doing things: the right way, the wrong way, and Paula’s way. They are the gatekeepers, the sentry, the overseers, and the guardians of the Boss’s house and overall day. They vet any visitors, triage every call, and taste test any treat that comes in the door. With all that responsibility lies all the power.

Adella's skill
Adella's weapon

Weapon: A true artist, she can sketch any perp who walks through our door.

Skill:  An avid reader, she knows silence is golden and duct tape is silver.

Brenna's Bio image

Natasha Lil Nat

Natasha's Role
Scheduling Assistant

Role: The gatekeeper of time; no one cross the threshold to Boss's sanctum unless their presence is approved by her command. It isn't just about timing; it's about permission, where only the chosen gain an audience with the Boss.

Natasha's skill
Natasha's weapon

Weapon: Punctual perfection, flawless penmanship, and perfect empanadas.

Skill:  Creating and moving appointments like pawns on her chessboard, every move is made with strategic precision in calculating perfectly-timed smiles.

Natasha's Bio image


The Guardian
Vader's Role

Role: The most beloved of all family members, his keen senses bring a camaraderie to what could be a scary environment reminding everyone that even in the darkest of places, there's room for love and compassion and that sweetness can thrive even in the most unexpected of places.

Vader's skill
Vader's weapon

Weapon: Hypnotizing soulful eyes.

Skill:  Kindness that knows no bounds. He can melt the hardest of hearts.

Vader's Bio image